The majority of us spend most of our days at work, laboring alongside our coworkers day-in and day-out. We spend countless hours each week with our coworkers; the good ones become close friends and even like family, but bad coworkers can be one of the most stressful parts of any job.
The Bible says, “pray without ceasing” and “by prayer and supplication let our request be made known to God.” Whether you have difficult coworkers who don’t carry their own weight, leaving more work for you to do, or if you have great coworkers and you want to pray for their wellbeing or blessing, it is important to let our requests be made known unto God.
The Power of Prayer
There is power in prayer when we pray in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said:

“Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in MY name, I will do it.” – John 14: 13-14
There is power in the name of Jesus. This is one of the great promises that we have in the Word of God. We must have faith that God has the power to do what He said He would do.
Jesus also said:
“Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you.” – Mark 11: 24
If we pray in faith that God is able to answer our prayers and believe that we will receive the answer to our prayers, the Bible tells us it will be granted to us.
Forgive When You Pray
- Mark 11: 25-26 – “Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. 26 But if you do not forgive, neither will you Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.”
The Bible is very clear about the importance of forgiveness, not only the forgiveness of our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ, but our forgiveness of others.

When we pray, we are to forgive those who have done wrong to us. If your coworker has done you wrong, forgive them and then lift them up in prayer that God might have mercy and help them to change their ways.
No matter what we are praying about, be it our coworkers or anything else, we must not have any unforgiveness in our hearts when we pray.
10 Powerful Prayers for Coworkers
Prayer for Healing of a Coworker
Heavenly Father, I come before You today to pray for the healing of my coworker.
Lord, I humbly ask that You would reach down from heaven and touch my friend today.
God, You see the great need they have in their body. The devil would love to destroy them, but I pray for them in the mighty and powerful name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Name above all Names, the only name given among men by which we must be saved!
Your Word, oh Lord, says in James five verse fifteen “the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up…”
Lord, I pray for the divine healing of my coworker right now in the Name of Jesus, AMEN!
Prayer for Blessing of a Kind Coworker
Lord Jesus, I thank You from the bottom of my heart for my beloved friend and coworker.
Lord, I thank You for placing them in my life and I thank You for the blessing they have been to me in our time working together.
I am so thankful to have a coworker that is hardworking and compassionate and I appreciate their continuous willingness to lend a listening ear when I need someone to talk to.
Father, I pray that You will bless my dear coworker in the Name of Jesus…I pray that You would bless the fruit of their labors and that the works of their hands would prosper.
I pray blessings over their job and I pray for Your blessings over their entire family as they work hard to provide for them.
Lord, bless my coworker in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus, AMEN!
Prayer for Change of Heart of Unkind Coworker
Oh Lord, please hear me in my time of need. My coworker is so unkind and inconsiderate of my feelings and those of everyone around them.
Lord, it is so hard for me to come to work every day to work alongside someone so rude and hurtful.
Precious Savior, I pray that You would give me the strength to endure as long as You would have me to work here and I pray that I could be a light to my coworker, setting a Godly example of love and compassion.
Lord, I forgive them for the things which they have done against me and do not hold anything against them in my heart. Lord, please forgive them, for they are simply ignorant of their own poor behavior.
I pray that Your Holy Spirit would touch their heart, helping them to realize their need for Jesus.
I pray for their soul that they might turn to Christ and be changed by the transformative power of the cross.
May these things come to pass soon in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
Prayer for Coworkers to be More Diligent
Oh most gracious God in Heaven, how marvelous are Your works among Your people!
You, Oh God, are truly worthy of all praise and glory.
Today, I ask you to take pity on my plight at work. I work so hard and yet my coworker lazes about, not caring that they are passing their workload onto others.
Heavenly Father, Your Word says, “The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the soul of the diligent is made full.”
Lord, I pray that You will help my coworker put more effort into the job at hand and do their fair share so that the rest of us do not suffer as a result.
Lord, I do not have ill intentions towards my coworker, but rather pray that they would come into a saving relationship with you.
If there is something difficult going on in their life that I don’t know about, I pray for them. I pray that You give them the strength they need to endure whatever hardship comes their way. Lord, let them feel Your presence with them.
Help me to be a shining example of compassion and unshakeable work ethic and let my coworker be more diligent!
I pray all of these things in the most Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN!
Prayer for Peace with Coworkers
Oh, Great God of peace, I petition you this day with thanksgiving in my heart.
I ask for there to be peace between my coworker and I!
Lord, I strive for peace just as Your Word says in Hebrews twelve: fourteen.
I know that Your Holy Word also says “blessed are the peacemakers” and, Lord, peace is what I desire between my coworker and I.
Give me a heart of compassion and grace to forgive them for the wrong they have done against me.
Oh God, You are a God of peace and I am clinging to the Scripture that tells me if I make my requests known unto You with thanksgiving in my heart, You will give a peace that passes all understanding.
Lord of Peace, please bring peace between my coworker and I in the Name of Jesus, AMEN!
Prayer for Wisdom and Understanding for Your Boss
Lord, I humbly bow before you today to pray for wisdom and understanding for my superior.
You know that I do my best, but sometimes it still does not seem to be enough for my boss.
It grieves my heart when my hard work goes unnoticed and unappreciated, but I am committed to giving my best effort because I know that if no one else sees my hard work, You, oh Lord, will reward me.
Lord, I know that my boss has a difficult job to do. I pray for strength and fortitude to withstand the challenges and stresses of the job, but also for the wisdom, understanding, and humility to compassionately deal with those under their purview.
Thank you for my boss. I pray for nothing but blessings in their life. May they be blessed as they deal righteously.
Hear my prayer today, oh Lord, in the Name of Jesus, AMEN!
Prayer for a Better Relationship with Coworkers
God, You are great and greatly to be praised and I thank you for providing me with a job to provide for my family!
I am so thankful to have the opportunity to work and make a living and I thank you for my coworkers who work alongside me.
Lord, I pray that I can set a good example for them each day.
I know we have not had the best relationship as of late, but I pray that we can overcome our differences and become a better team.
I pray that You will strengthen our working relationship so that we might better and more effectively complete the tasks set before us.
I pray these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
Prayer for Reconciliation with Coworker
God, You are the God of reconciliation!
I pray earnestly for reconciliation with my estranged coworker. Lord, You know my heart and You know that I hold no unforgiveness in my heart towards them.
Lord, I desperately want us to have peace in our working relationship because this conflict is costing us dearly and affecting our performance on the job.
I pray for genuine reconciliation on both sides and for a peaceful resolution to our conflicts.
I know that You hear my prayers and I know that You are more than able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ever ask.
May these things be granted in the sacred name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, AMEN!
Prayer for False Accusations by a Coworker
You are so gracious, Oh Lord, and Your justice flows like a mighty rushing river!
Lord, You are worthy of all the glory and honor, great is Your love, and perfect are all Your judgements.
God, You see how hard I work and You know that the accusations against me are empty and baseless.
I ask You, Jesus, let my hard work and my Godly character speak for itself and let the Holy Spirit of God that resides in my soul be my shield against these vicious incriminations.
I ask You today to absolve and vindicate me of all the false accusations that my coworker has brought against me.
In the name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our Savior, Jesus Christ, AMEN!
Prayer for the Salvation of Coworkers
Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your mercy, grace, and forgiveness.
Lord, I earnestly pray for the salvation of my coworkers today.
God, I don’t want them to die one day and go to hell because they did not believe in Jesus, the Son of God.
I pray that You will help me to be a light in the darkness, pointing them to You, our merciful savior!
Lord, I plead the blood of Jesus over their souls. I hear the wicked things they speak of each day and I see the sinful works of their hands. Please have mercy on their souls in Jesus’ Name.
Lord, my heart is burdened with a load of care for their souls. I ask Your Holy Spirit to convict them unto repentance of their sins and that through believing and trusting in the work that Christ did on Calvary they might be saved from the fiery pits of hell which waits for those who don’t believe.
I lift up this petition to Your throne of grace and I come to You in the Name of Your one and only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, AMEN!