
Invite His blessings into your Sunday and ask for His renewal in the week ahead.

Prayer for Spiritual Renewal

Merciful God,

On this blessed Sunday, I come before You to renew my spirit. Refresh my soul with the living waters of Your grace. As I rest from the week’s labors, let Your Spirit move within me, revitalizing my faith and deepening my love for You. Help me to reflect on Your goodness, and prepare me for the week ahead, that I may serve You with renewed vigor and a joyful heart. In the name of Christ, I pray.


Prayer for the Church and Its Leaders

Sovereign Lord,

I lift up Your Church to You this Sunday, asking for Your guidance and wisdom to be upon all its leaders. Bless the pastors, priests, deacons, and all who serve Your flock. Strengthen them with Your Spirit, that they may lead with integrity, humility, and courage. May Your Church be a beacon of hope and light in the world, unified in love and committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Your holy name, we pray.


Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praise

Loving Father,

On this day of worship and rest, my heart overflows with gratitude. Thank You for the countless blessings You have poured into my life. I praise You for Your unending faithfulness and love. May my life be a continuous hymn of praise to You, and may my actions this coming week reflect my deep appreciation for all that You are and all that You do. To You be glory and honor forever.


Have Your Prayer Heard

1Your Prayer
2Submission Details

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We want your prayer shared by as many Christians as possible. Our prayer submission will:
  • Deliver your prayer to some of the holiest sites on Earth.
  • Light a Church candle and share your prayer on your behalf.
  • Submit your prayer to prayer groups, churches and shrines around the world.
This is the prayer that will be submitted on your behalf. Include as much or as little information as you would like.

Your Prayer Heard

Amplify your prayer with the collective strength of Christians around the world