
The Bible says in Proverbs 27: 17 “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” This verse applies to us women just as much as the men!

Sometimes life can be so busy and tiring, especially for us as women. We can get so bogged down with all of the responsibilities of life like raising our babies, taking care of the house, cleaning up after our husbands, and so much more. Often we feel as if we are going at it alone or that the weight of the world is on our shoulders. This is one of the reasons that it is so important to have a group of Godly women that we can depend on to encourage us in the Lord.

To help you plan your next Women’s Group meeting, here are a list of great Devotion Ideas for Women’s Groups:

10 Devotion Ideas for Women’s Groups

  • Bible Study Night

Of course, one of the best ideas for Women’s Group is to have a Bible Study. The Word of God is our source of hope and inspiration and it holds the keys to eternal life.

Get together with your group and pick a story that you all relate to and read it that week for homework. When you get back together for your next meeting you will be ready to dive deep into the story and to explore the Bible for its nuggets of truth(perhaps the only nuggets we can feel good about consuming!).

Bible Story Ideas:

  1. The story of Esther.
  2. The story of Ruth.
  3. The story of Hannah.
  4. The story of Hagar.
  5. The story of the woman at the well.
  6. The story of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.
  7. The story of Lot’s wife.
  8. The story of Mary and Martha when Jesus visited.
  9. The Woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ Garment.
  10. The Proverbs 31 Woman.
  • Christian Movie Night

As women, sometimes what we really need is a girl’s night out. Having a Christian Movie Night at the church can be a great way to not only take a well-deserved break from the kids and hubby, but it can lead to some great fellowship with our sisters in the Lord.

After the movie, take turns discussing some of the main principles from the movie and talk about how they relate to the scripture or how you can implement the truths of God’s Word in your own lives back at home.

A few tips:

  1. Always bring it back to the Word of God. Discuss ways that the themes of the movie relate to the Bible.
  2. Don’t forget the snacks!
    *It’s always great to have fresh popcorn. Thankfully popcorn is a low-calorie food and usually a harmless, guilt-free snacking option.
    *Another great option is a delicious Fruit Salad. This is another healthy and fun snack for your Women’s Group Movie Night.
    * And, of course, Veggie Salad is another great option that won’t leave you feeling sorry!
  3. Make sure to choose an uplifting Christian movie or a movie you have seen before and can be sure there will be nothing inappropriate for church.
  • Book Club Meetings

If you are a book lover, this idea is for you! Pick a good clean book and meet to discuss the main themes and how they can relate to the scriptures or to situations in your life. Reading a good book can be a lovely activity and reading it along with other women can be interesting and exciting.

Sample questions for your Book Club Devotion:

  1. What character from the book stood out to you the most? What were their best/worst qualities?
  2. What kinds of emotions did this book bring out for you?
  3. What are some of the main themes of the book and how can they be related to the Bible?
  4. Were there any negative actions from any of the characters that were against the Word of God and if so, how can we avoid making those same mistakes ourselves?
  • Testimony Night

Testimony Night is a great way to share one another’s burdens and it can be a tremendous blessing to know that your sisters are there with you to pray and to give you Godly advice.

“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.”Galatians 6: 2

We were never created to go through our lives alone and carrying our heavy burdens ourselves can drain us and leave us weak and depressed. Testimony Night will give you the opportunity to share both your struggles and triumphs.

It will be encouraging to hear of the great things that God has done in the lives of some. Sharing our testimonies of victory can be a great way to shine a beam of hope, uplifting our sisters who are struggling.

Our own testimony is the most powerful tool for ministering to others and our lives serve as living proof of what God can do. If God can do it for us, He can do it for others!

A few suggestions:

  1. Share some ways that God has blessed you during the week.
  2. Be vulnerable and share one of your fears or struggles.
    • At first, it may seem hard to open up, but that’s what your Women’s Group is for right…ladies that you can trust to be there for you? (It can take a big weight off of you to know that you are not alone.)
  3. Share something that God has been dealing with you about lately; chances are, there might be another sister who needs to hear it.
  4. Older women: instruct and advise the younger women.
    • Your experience is God’s gift to the younger generations.
  5. And, above all, always pray for and with one another!
  • Mentorship

This one is more of a long-term goal of your Women’s Group rather than a devotion idea, but I felt led to include it in this list because I know the importance of mentorship among Christian women. This idea works best when there are different ages of women in the group or at least within the church.

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, 4 so that they may encourage the young women…” Titus 2: 3-4

Choose a night to meet with your Women’s group specifically for mentorship between some of the older women and some of the younger women.

  • If your Women’s Group contains older and younger women in the same group, then great! You can pair off the best that you can one of the older ladies with one or more of the younger ladies.
  • If your Women’s Group is mostly the same age, then plan a special night where some of the young women of the church meet with your group and pair up with them.

The goal is for each of the young women to have an older woman to serve as her mentor. Let the older women make a commi to keeping in touch with the younger women. Plan one to two days per month when the younger women meet with their mentors.

A few suggestions:

  1. Have each mentor schedule one or two days a month to meet with the younger girls to do things like:
    * Going out to dinner together.
    * Meeting for Bible Study.
    * Going to see a movie.
    * Visiting with the rest of the family.
  2. During the meetings, the older women should make a special effort to learn about their mentee, taking care to foster a meaningful relationship.
  3. The mentor should make time to share their testimonies with the younger women.
  4. Hopefully, lasting friendships will be formed between the older and younger ladies that will strengthen both of them for years to come!
  • Prayer Night

While prayer should always be a part of all of our Women’s Group meetings, scheduling special nights just for prayer is a great idea and helps to keep us mindful of the power of prayer. Life can be tough for us women and it helps so much just to know that we are not alone.

Helpful Suggestions:

  1. Go around the room one by one and have each lady give their prayer requests. Let everyone give at least one.
  2. If there are some sensitive prayer needs, have blank pieces of paper and a basket on hand. You can have everyone write their more private needs on the paper and place it into the basket with the others.

    * When the basket has been filled, shuffle up the papers and then randomly choose one to pray for during the month.

    * This can also be a fun way to distribute the prayer requests amongst the women in your group and will ensure that each request is prayed.
  3. Another idea is to have a dry-erase board in your meeting room and use it to make a list of the prayer needs in your group.
  • Service Day

A great way for your group to make a difference “outside the group” is to plan for a day of service. Talk with the ladies in the group and find out some things that need to be done in or around the church. Use your time to work together, furthering the Kingdom of God through service to others.

Some Suggestions:

1. Volunteer to vacuum the church sanctuary or clean up the fellowship hall.

2. If you have any elderly at your church, see what needs they may have around their houses and meet to minister to them through your acts of service.

3. Plan a day for your Women’s Group to go to a local Nursing Home to minister to the elderly there. You never know just how much of an impact it can make in the lives of the elderly to know that people care for them.

4. Volunteer to do some of the gardening around the church grounds, (pulling weeds, planting new flowers, spreading mulch.)

  • Coffee and Praise Night

Who doesn’t love a good cup of coffee and great worship music?!

“Praise the LORD. Sing to the LORD a new song, sing his praises in the assembly of his faithful people.”Psaml 149: 1

Let’s be honest, we all love coffee! Coffee and praise night is a great idea to get the ladies together at the church for a cup and a song. The Bible tells us to praise the Lord and to sing His praises among the people.

Plan a night for the Women’s Group to get together over a cup of coffee and to lift up the name of the Lord in praise.

A few tips:

  1. Be sure to have several flavors available to make the best coffee combinations.
  2. Don’t forget the toppings (whipped cream, caramel, chocolate powder, sprinkles, etc.)
  3. Bring ice and a blender too for those who prefer iced coffee or frappes.
  4. When worship and praise time starts, set aside your cares and worship the Lord with all of your heart! Let the Spirit of the Lord have his way in your midst as you raise your voices to the Lord!

5. As you worship the Lord, leave your burdens and cares at the feet of Jesus. No matter your burden, He can take it!

  • Character-Building Classes

This is an opportunity for all of the women in your group to sharpen their skills as women, wives, homemakers, and Godly women in general. There are many different topics that you could choose to look at and that have a basis in scripture. Holding a special night for a character-building class will be a great way to sharpen one another in the Lord and to help equip you for your responsibilities as women.

A few Character Building Ideas:

  1. Marriage Foundations
  2. Budgeting and Financial Planning
  3. Baking Class or Cake Decorating
  4. Couponing or Money Savings Techniques
  5. Parenting tips for Moms with small children
  6. Parenting tips for moms with teens
  7. Parenting tips for moms with toddlers
  • Devotional Book Reading

Another great idea for your Women’s Group is reading a devotional book together as a group. Sure, when we read our devotionals by ourselves we are blessed, thank the Lord, but when we read along with our sisters in the Lord, our eyes can be opened to some things that we might have otherwise missed along the way.

Reading through a devotional book with your Women’s Group can be a great way of growing closer with your sisters and growing deeper with the Lord together. There are so many different women’s devotionals to choose from, I am sure that you and your women’s group can find just the right one to get started soon!

Here’s a list of some of the best women’s devotional books with links to where you can find them:

  • Keeping Hope Alive By Grace Fox
    1. Buy on Amazon HERE.
    2. Buy on Barnes and Noble HERE.
    3. Buy at Proverb 31 Ministries HERE.
  • Blessings for the Soul By Susie Larson
    1. Buy From Susie Larson HERE.
    2. Buy on Amazon HERE.
  • The Uncommon Woman By Susie Larson
    1. Buy from Susie Larson HERE.
    2. Buy on Amazon HERE.
  • The 30-Day Praise Challenge by Becky Harling
    1. Buy on Amazon HERE.
    2. Buy on Barnes and Noble HERE.
    3. Buy the Ebook on Google Play HERE.
  • Gracelaced By Ruth Chou Simons
    1. Buy a special deluxe or signed copy from Ruth Chou Simons HERE.
    2. Buy on Amazon HERE.
  • New Morning Mercies By Paul David Tripp
    1. Buy from Paul David Tripp HERE.
    2. Buy on Amazon HERE.
  • Awaken By Priscilla Shirer
    1. Buy on Amazon HERE.
    2. Buy On Christian Book HERE.
    3. Buy from the publisher HERE.

The Most Important Thing about Women’s Group:

The most important thing about Women’s Group is drawing nearer to the Lord together with our sisters in the Lord. This ought to be our ultimate goal when we come together as a group.

Let us be sure to make the Bible and prayer a major part of each meeting so that we might draw closer to the Lord together. Life can be hard for us women and sometimes we may feel alone, but being a part of the local Women’s Group at church helps us to remember that we are really not alone after all. It gives us strength from the collective and joins our prayers together to form an impenetrable bond of sisterhood that will last for lifetimes!

God Bless You

I pray that you have been both encouraged and equipped with helpful information and resources for building a better women’s group for your church or community. I pray that the Word of God would dwell richly with you and that Christ’s love would wrap you up when you are under the pressures of this life.

May God bless you and keep you all in Christ!


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